Sunday, 2 May 2010

May day news

I have learned there are things you have to do in blog-town and that is clear up loose ends from time to time.

So firstly, yet we have done it. We have now beaten the target of £20,000 for Leukaemia and Lymphoma Research thanks to my close colleagues who are running in next weekend's Bristol 10K marathon - their own personal contribution in support of my wife Alice's recovery from Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia which is currently at day 43 following bone marrow transplant. A long way to go but so far so good.

Secondly back in March I told you about our Bristol Superbus scheme whereby rail passengers with tickets worth £25 or more arriving at Bristol Temple Meads or Parkway can have one free direct bus journey (two if it is a return). This is a precursor to my scheme to make such arrangements available to passengers and viable for bus companies at all rail stations in the UK.

Well I'm delighted to announce that Bristol independent ABus has now also joined the scheme. Their routes 57 and 349 are now also part of the deal. This trial is being provided to all rail passengers at no extra cost so the bus operators are not getting any remuneration as we strive to prove that the ticket is valued by passengers and prove the technical issues.

Thanks to Alan Peters at ABus for joining the scheme and helping it on its way.

In another charity event from many years ago Northumberland Park staff pull RM429 through North London for BLISS at Whipps Cross Hospital



  1. Leon,

    Dependent upon the success of the scheme - is it going to be rolled out elsewhere?


  2. Gareth - I do hope so. My aim is to give every passenger who buys a rail ticket of reasonable value inclusive bus travel at the destination. Like PlusBus but automatic, not an option and designed to bring us customers who might have been picked up, use taxis, or walked! Leon

  3. Swansea springs to mind, well locally for me, where the conditions would mean it easy to implement. I.e your run the local buses and the mainline rail services and the rail stn isn't located centrally within the city centre, much like Temple Meads at Bristol but on a smaller scale. Add to that FTR......


  4. What Routemaster was involved in the bus pull Leon?
