Sunday 16 October 2011

Countdown II

On Monday 17th October we launch to the public the full real time information service for bus users. This has been under test for several weeks and the test site address has already spread.

But from Monday it will work from Much more usefully smartphone users will be taken directly to the new mobile site which is configured for easy reading on such devices.

The new service provides real time information for all 19,000 bus stops on the network. It's like have Countdown in your hand. You can access it on-line, on your phone, and by text by sending the bus stop code to 87287. The SMS text service costs 12p per call - all the on-line information is free.

Already clever people are developing Applications which provide the information and at least one of them is already in the Top Ten of paid-for Applications. This demonstrates how popular the information will be. I am sure there will be many more.

It is better than a Countdown sign which you can only see at the stop. In future you will be able to stay at home, work, or other venue until it is time to walk to your stop. For some people this will bring added security as they will not be waiting at the bus stop for too long. In other cases I foresee, for example, parents being able to predict the arrival times of their children at stops and being able to meet them off the bus.

And we would never have been able to fit Countdown signs at all the stops. We are adding another signs at 500 locations and renewing the entire network of signs. But the cost of doing so in many areas was prohibitive, yet to some, information where the frequencies are lower is actually more important. At a stroke this overcomes the problem of providing information in such places.

I predict that this development which make a big change to the way in which people plan their journeys and use the bus network. Certainly those who have been trying it out already have already indicated just how valuable it is.


1 comment:

  1. TfL a need for action
    Published: 20 October, 2011

    • WHILE I applaud the constructive and sensible suggestions made in the letter from Camden Cycling Campaign’s Jean Dollimore (Letters, October 13) I want to throw a spotlight of profound criticism on Transport for London.

    I think it is well justified that a case of corporate manslaughter is now being considered over the cyclist’s death at King’s Cross on October 3.

    I really believe we need something of that magnitude to get through to TfL’s high command.

    I’ll list just a few on-the-road design defects on TfL-controlled roads that I’ve been fighting, for years, in vain to remedy for cyclist safety:

    • The “death mile” on Camden Road was the subject of a very comprehensive proposed scheme in 2005, with virtually none of the recommendations implemented, despite the death of student Paula Jurek at the junction with St Pancras Way six months ago.

    • The recent new two-way traffic working on Russell Square, which daily puts hundreds of cyclists at grave risk in the south east corner.

    • The timing of the cyclists’ traffic lights from Crogsland Road by the Roundhouse, where I participated in meeting TfL on-site with Camden highways officers two years ago.

    • The cyclist crossing of Euston Road into Ossulston Street, where yet another woman cyclist was killed five years ago – again, I participated in an on-site review with TfL and Camden officers more than four years ago.
    In not one of the above examples has TfL actually made any of the improvements that have been agreed to be necessary.

    Camden’s well-meaning officers do pursue TfL persistently but ineffectively.

    They are being totally disregarded with impugnity by TfL.

    It’s time to press the nuclear button and try to overturn the rot at the top of TfL.

    They are dominated by bus considerations and seemingly indifferent to cyclist and pedestrian safety.

    Hopefully, as the mayoral election approaches, Londoners will hold Boris Johnson’s feet to the fire and seek commitment to sort out the malaise at the top of TfL from all the four mayoral candidates.

    Camden’s Cycling Champion
