I have got so fed up with keeping my PC afloat I have bought an iMac and have had a great deal of fun getting it into action. So have been busy, as you will imagine.
I'm dedicating this blog to my good friend Dean Friedman - he's a genuine rock star and if you are as old as me (also him) then you will remember 'Lucky Star' and 'Ariel' as some of his hits in the UK.
He's a great friend of mine and he continues to make music and perform in concerts in the USA and UK. So I'm going to send you across to his website at http://www.deanfriedman.com/ so you can see what he's up to, listen to some of his stuff, and, most importantly, book tickets for his UK tour which starts in July.
This is a great time to take your loved one and make like you were dating all those years ago and feel young again. If you can't make it to the concerts at least buy a CD and play it at home.
So please if you're in that part of your life where nostalgia isn't what it used to be then take a trip over to Dean's website, and, if you can, show up to one of his concerts and pretend you were 20 years younger!
Dean has a neat treehouse in his garden in New York State where he sometimes gets his inspiration. This is me in front of it contributing absolutely nothing musically.